Monday 23 January 2017

Part 2: The SK-II Verdict

Finally blogging about my SK-II experience. The last time I wrote about this product was back in June 2016 and I bought the beginner's set which consists of a mini bottle of toner, a medium-size bottle of Pitera essence and a mask which price at RM199. During the two month period, I noticed positive results from my then beauty routine, my skin texture better and much more smoother. But it took me another 5 months to decide on getting the full size ones because of the price and because I personally have tons of beauty products LOL!

Last December, SK-II were having this festive collection consisting of the full-size Pitera essense and free full-size toner,which was super worth it I decided to grab one. The SK-II sales person sorta gave me a lecture for not using SK-II consistently. Well, I'm not that rich yet.

Of course I even took the chance to get my skin tested :) The result were better than my previous one so much that the sales person asked me what's my regime like. If I remembered correctly it's Innisfree's cleansers, ZA's toners, Naruko's cream and Innisfree's Olive lotion.

**Yellow dotted line and percentage at bottom is June 2016's reading while the white dotted lines and top percentage is most recent reading in December 2016.

Today's post is also to answer several Qs as well as to share my observation from using SK-II.

What are the results from using SK-II?
Better skin texture and skin more tout :) Doesn't do much to my pores or perhaps it takes a little bit more using to notice further difference.

Is SK-II really effective?
You will notice the SK-II sales people have great skin, and most people who use them for a long have equally dewy-ish skin. Even my friends!

Any negative effects?
It dries the skin on my hand because I usually apply the Pitera Essence with my palms. It did not dry my face though, but I have combination skin.

Also, using SK-II must be a regular one because the result is not permanent, HOWEVER, I can't be too sure because the first time with the beginner set, I only used it for two months and the test result was different too.

Can anyone use SK-II?
Maybe not. I have seen negative reviews online but I believe this is solely because everyone has different types of skin to begin with.

If you have read my first SK-II review, you will remember I mentioned this too. My friends have observed that SK-II seems to be more suited for people with bad skin while those who have naturally flawless skin seems to have bad reaction towards it LOL. This is just from our observation, you don't have to take my words. After all, you won't know until you try.

How long before you notice the difference SK-II made to your skin?
A week or so. Again, it differs with different people.

Is SK-II really worth it?
Pricey but yes! If you still can't afford it (I can't afford them always), wait for the next festive sales. I am estimating the large size ones can last you seven months or so :)

Can men use SK-II?
Yes! Go check out the Men's Collection!

Do you need to use SK-II continuously to maintain the results?
Unfortunately, yes. SK-II is quite an 'investment' but who can deny their almost flawless result?

Is SK-II for everyone?
Ok, so there is a legend that goes, if you have originally flawless skin (I'm envious!) SK-II will cause negative results like a breakout or something. This is very true to some. Here's my theory behind this so-called legend: SK-II is drying. Which is great for those with oily/combination because it makes your skin less oily. What happens if you have dry skin and use SK-II? Probably not the greatest idea. 

Just a post-disclaimer: I personally LOVE SK-II and am in no way defaming SK-II but simply giving my bloody straightforward opinion on why SK-II is not for everyone or some people. This is also derived from my observation when using SK-II. I will definitely continue using SK-II because it works for me.


If you have any further question, feel free to comment and I will be happy to answer you :)

Saturday 21 January 2017

Purikura How Tos (Part II): Oh My Girl III & Bijou Cosme III

Yesterday I went for yet another #SoloPuri sessions, #CNY2017 theme! I wanna show off my new cheongsam dress and pretty red packets I bought LOL My initial plan was also to take a video of the whole process but I forgot my sim card fml

While I call this post a how to, it's more like a review of the two Purikura machines I tried today. So lucky to find them both! For this I had to go all the way to Aeon Mall Shah Alam and boy getting there by train and taxi was a pain hahahha. Yeah I went a distant solely to play Purikura. 

Unfortunately Puripix Malaysia only has one Purikura machines spread at different locations in KL and Selangor, but none in Bukit Bintang, PJ or Subang. I wish there is a shop lot in one or a few of the major shopping malls in KL, something like what they have in the arcade in Golden Gate, Shibuya with about 10 or so Purikura machines #PurikuraHaven \(♥ o ♥/) 

Only one of the Purikura machines in Aeon Mall Shah Alam's Tony Molly belong to Puripix Malaysia if I'm not mistaken. I have not seen Bijyou Cosme3 mentioned on Puripix page or instagram. Let's get started with Puripix's Oh♥MyGirl first~~


There are a handful of things I love about this machine, for one you can choose the background in sets_either blue and khaki which gives off the Otona/Mature feel and elegant! Super love this function but I opted to choose my own just for fun.



#2 gotta be my favorite. From here you'll notice a few New Year theme stickers. This machine let's you choose 4 season stickers and message stamps! Another cool feature!





Then they have the full body, wide collage. Coolest machine ever!!!!! I'm super in love!! Don't judge my pose, I know I look weird doing the kiss pose.

If you check out the sample collages above, collages like mine here seems to be more suited for two people photos while for 3 people, opting for the frames one are recommended.


Just notice it said, "Beauty is stronger than an ox" (=___=;) LOL! 

But seriously can I have this in KL?? I really want to play this Oh♥MyGirl3 with friends!😣

Here's my Purikura printouts. I purposely choose three to experiment on whether printing more will affect the size of the printouts. Unfortunately it does and if you choose to have more than 3 print out a the size of the photos reduced into small squares.

What I did not like about my printouts are that they are super light! I did a mistake and accidentally pressed the lightest option for photo taking and there was no reset option, like usual. Thankfully the downloads have more saturation in them. (Find out how I download them in my last Purikura How Tos post in the How Tos tab)

 A lot of my photos shows me unprepared I'm not sure if the time is shorter or I'm simply unprepared this time lol

If you noticed I look taller too because I chose 'Model' option which elongates my features. If you look at photo #6, you see I made a mistake of bending my knees which made my leg 'fat'. That happened before too hahaha. It takes a bit more 'practice' to know the different Purikura machines.

Unlike MeHerJyoshi3, this machine does not pre-cut the printouts and I am guessing because if this, you can't choose different layouts for each prints.

The rest are perfect! I super heart Oh♥MyGirl!!! Why is it so much trouble getting to AMSA (TΔT)

~ ♥ ~

Bijou Cosme 3

This machine reminds me when Gyarus wore heavy makeup and tan skin was hip among them. This it explains why even with recommended settings I look like I have tan and my lips look redder.

Plus there was even makeup setting with blushes and eyelashes options. 😂 I haven't seen it in the other machines I tried!

Obviously I overabused the blushes hahahahha. Do I look cute?

One cool feature I find is that you can make mini instax-like photos. I chose the similar photo but I'm not sure if you can do the same using other pics in the small frame. If it could, that would be really cool! Just came across my mind lol

Unlike Oh♥MyGirl, the printouts can be torn in half without a scissors which is much more efficient. I prefer printouts like this cause like who brings scissors with them? In Japan, machines that don't have pre-cut options have scissors so you can cut your Purikura on the spot! I'm still waiting for my Purikura haven in KL😂 

Thursday 19 January 2017

Mermaid hair!

Yes, my hair turned bluish-gray!

Last Sunday after visiting the aquarium, I decided to drop by my usual saloon Zing Hair Studio at Wangsa Maju, which like, I visit 4 times a year because I lazy hahaha.

Photos here photoshopped BTW. 

 The initial plan was to get my hair dyed dark ash brown with pink highlights. Somehow, there was a miscommunication and my hairdresser got me dark ash instead. She did repeatedly asked me but having spent a few hours bleaching my hairs and my brain wasn't functioning cause I was so bored waiting even though I had my phone to browse the internet. It's the saloon effect thingy, a psychology term coined by yours truly. I talk a lot of shit, I know. My friends know that too XD

It was also, my first time bleaching in my whole life and my first time in years to dye my hair. I have been trying to keep my hair healthy but the whole double-bleaching it destroyed my entire tres in just two hours WTF

They were so coarse I can cry, my poor hair! So I asked them to add on treatment which helped the middle to lower section of my hair but the crown is still coarse and hard... (T____T)

This was my hair when the entire crown was ash grey. This is from the saloons FB page.

MC, my hairdresser insisted they are beautiful, which I do not doubt but still think the color was not the most suitable for office lady like me. Plus, god knows how aweful it will look considering I don't know how to maintain other-than-brown hair color.

I asked her to overlay with a darker shade and she decided on blue but I would have appreciated she informing me first 😅😂

So at the end of my 5-hour long session my hair looked like this

The next few days while I when around window shopping.

In a different lighting

Got a few compliments for it from bff and close friends. Tons more of stares from strangers WTF hahahahah.

Took more selfies recently cause now my hair color is different at least I have a reason to show off please don't hate me hahhaha

I don't hate my hair, but think it's unique though harder to maintain. The bleached really destroyed them I'm mourning.

On top of dyeing my hair I bought a violet blue shampoo and treatment.

IMO the violet blue dye will be great to cover up my bluish-ash gray hair when they start to fade in a few weeks time. At least I hope. Will tell you about it once I tested them for a month or so *fingers crossed* So far I've only used them once and I can see the purple dye is pretty thick.

I also bought this Lucido-L Lively Lasting Curls hair cream to keep my hair looking neat. I have really natural curly messy hair that is now accentuated by the ash gray...

Will write a review on this and my other new hair care products after I tested them for a longer period! Blogging again soon!

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Aquaria Kuala Lumpur @KLCC Experience

Last Sunday, I had the opportunity to visit Aquaria KLCC, a place I have been wanting to visit for all the years I live in Kuala Lumpur. I got to know that I could purchase the tickets for less at 11th Street site, the same online shopping portal I got my Instax Mini Films, also for an awesome bargain!
The tickets for adult Malaysians cost RM46 if you purchase at the counter but only RM35 for adults online.

However, you do need to send text message to the vendor to claim your e-tickets, which takes two days to process. I had initially planned for a Saturday outing but because I had only contacted the vendor on a Friday, they got back to my adventure kaki (Kaki means leg in Malay but it is a Malaysian way of saying a buddy who hangs out with you whether for travel or mamak session or just anything!), stating that they couldn't get the e-tickets confirmed.

We got there at 11AM, hoping to get away from the crowd but 10 minutes into checking in, there was already a mini crowd. We were lucky to catch the cute otters feeding slash exercising session and they were adorable! Fun fact, the Malaysian otters are the smallest in the world! Which means the other otters gotta be obese, cause the otters displayed was by no mean "small". Good to know there are fat otters around.

We cruised past mini aquariums with fishes, crabs, lobsters, eels & loads other animals then past a 'shipwreck' housing several other aquariums with odd looking fishes. I won't upload many photos here cause I don't want to spoil the fun of exploring Aquaria KLCC, but trust me, it may not be the biggest aquarium in South East Asia, it is still an interesting destination if you love aquariums as much as I do.

My favorite part gotta be the rain forest, which house a few tanks with humongous-size fish, you might wonder how many people one fish can feed. I know, I know, but they're sorta food so....

If you're as observant as me, you'd notice they play recordings of birds in the wild and even thunders, accompanied by lightning effect which was pretty cool!

My next favorite part is the tunnel, where you can admire the fishes swimming around and over you, even huge sharks and stingray! Or funny faces of stingray like this one

I'm under the sea~ under the sea~

If you're lucky, you might catch a glimpse of fishes feeding on one another. Spotted a stingray feeding on some fish LOL. 

I went through the tunnel twice because I love the place so much! Could have gone in another time but I don't want to bore my friend, just in case.

Afterwards, more aquariums and then it was browsing through the souvenirs shop. They have lotsa cute plushies and I bought a husky one, because the fur is so soft~~~ Another because I have been looking for doggy plushies :) 

See my cutie~

Anddd that was it! Oh how I wish there were more! Though we did spent a good one and a half hour in there LOL


We were starving after that, me only had Porky for breakie because I was rushing out and my adventure kaki only had a box of milk wtf. Because we spotted a  palm-sized crab that reminded us of soft shell crab, we decided to go for Japanese hahahahah.

I recommended Yuzu, a place I had been a few years ago and love their bento set so much because the food is amazing and its generous portion so worth the price! Ben thought he could just go with a simple, small set but it came with so many sides which was not shown in the menu hahahaha

This was Ben's bento _ Salmon Bento RM37 or RM39 I don't remember.

Mine, Yuzu Bento for about RM50

I only remembered I ordered the similar set the first time I went to Yuzu when the bento arrived and everything was just how I remembered it. The food are just as how I remembered them too, so yummy and the quality unchanged. I still love them very much! Will highly recommend this place. We were so stuffed OMG, so much that I didn't feel hungry until late evening.

That same day, I got my hair dyed mermaid color, it was not what I planned. Tell you how that happened in my next post!

Friday 13 January 2017

Early 2016 Christmas Get-Together at Ben's & Mai Sky Bar. Plus Chrishmas presents for myself!

Just a few weekends ago I had an early Christmas get together at Ben's in Pavilion with my usual group of friends just catching up and making jokes~ #superhappytimes

My OOTD that day~!

Ben's one of my favorite cafes cause they serve awesome food there though it had been a while (3 years!) since I last came here. Here was what we ordered the other day~~

Food is still pretty good so it's quite worth the price! Too bad we were seated inside. I prefer the outdoor view of the street like the last time I was here. The ambience inside was amazing nevertheless!

After dinner we head out because my smart friend parked her car at a five star hotel cuz she couldn't find a parking spot hahhaha. Though because of that we could pose in front of Pavilion's grand Christmas tree at the main entrance of the mall! The fountain in front of the mall is one of the place where you can see tourists pose by LOL

And more wefies in the hotel lounge cause Malaysians LOVES taking photos just anywhere with nice decors and props hahahhahaha

The snowman was made out completely of ice! So cool! Geddit geddit. My lame pun (>v<)

Later we headed to Mai Rooftop Bar and ordered our drinks and continued chatting. The lighting inside was dim and of light blue hues which made us looked like Avatars LOL! Don't believe me? Check avatar me ⏬⬇

So I had to resort to flash to snap pics and no thanks to the dim lighting, it made the flash much blinding. Had tons of fun torturing my friends with it Lol cause he bullied me so it's sorta like payback. What happened was while I was chatting happily with another friend, ignoring this dude,  I didn't notice my phone was ringing and he took it up WTF. And it was my mom checking on me #DoubleWTFSituation.

So I went outside to talk and took pic lol

And went back in to entertain aka poke fun at everyone.

~ ♥ ~

This Christmas I got myself several gifts_aside for a few dresses, I got myself 2016 Festive SK-II Pitera collection and an Instax mini camera!! Took me years of consideration to get these two cause they ain't cheap! Not a millionaire just yet okay.

So walah! Here is my SK-II babies~~

Like I promised in my first SK-II review,  I'll be writing another post on my observation after using SK-II's starter kit. It'll be in a Q&A format so if you have questions about this product, comment below and I'll be happy to answer that in my next post which will probably be next weekend!

Moving forward, here's my other new toy~~~ So happy looking at it even the colors so adorable hahaha. I got this entire Harajuku set on quite a deal_ RM300 for the camera together with all the accessories here including two sets of instax film from S&J!!

This is going to be an expensive hobby with my having to buy instax mini films every time I want to use them so I thought BUT thanks to 11th Street, I found I can get a box for RM21 for 10 sheets, wayyyy cheaper than market price!! So there you go Malaysian instax-grapher! Tips for you guys, you're welcome!!

Took some instax recently some you might have seen them on my Instagram~~

Aside from these, I also got a few from friends at work

Then there was a mini Christmas celebration with the company

And the team!

~ ♥ ~

Fast forward to today, even though Christmas has passed, the festive season is far from over here in Malaysia. In fact we are now transitioning to Chinese New Year and most malls have put up CNY decors!

This is the decor at Sunway Pyramid, was there just last weekend.

There was even a free CNY theme Purikura/photobooth too! I knew I have to take one LOLOL cause well, my Purikura obsession just crept back (Check out my last post on How to Play Purikura) and I vowed to snap more purikuras this year! In fact, I'm marking down the locations Puripix is offering different Purikura machines around Klang Valley and have dates with my friends to snap Purikuras in our next outings! I'm pretty confident with my power of persuasion LOL

And then, these are the decors at 1Utama~

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