Saturday 11 March 2017

Purikura: Lovelizm, again!

Yuppie! Just had another Purikura sessions with a different bunch of friends two days after I just had a separate session. That's what you call obsession LOL. I'm just going to jump straight into the pictures we took because I've reviewed this machine in my last post which you can find in the 'How To' tab at the top of this blog.

Because I has been trying out different purikura machines since last December, I'm sorta the pro in the group among my friends who only played purikura once or never at all. Still, I wasn't prepare for this because they're one rowdy bunch. Chaos was the word my friend used to describe the situation LOL. It was chaotic but crazy fits them better, I tell you! In the photos first two photos, we look fully unprepared and some MIA-ed in some shot hahaha.

Went a bit over with the stamps and was messing around with the guys' face hahahaha

I found a cool feature _ contact lens, yo! Somehow here I turned heterochromia (≧▽≦*)

We accidentally picked the frames with this girl (who is she?!) in the middle so my friend here got hidden...


The next session are just between us girls and another friend joined in. This time we picked the 4x close up shots with 2x full body shots. Like every other machines, you'll get a bonus shot.

Girls just wanna have fun, yo!

OOTD shot! Why did everyone choose to wear black today?!

Here are all the prints from Lovelizm to give you an idea of the different print sizes. You're welcome.

Can't wait to try new machines soon!

Sunday 5 March 2017

Purikura How Tos (Part III): Lovelizm ♥ Second Collection

I finally got my friends together for Purikura photography session in Mid Valley! Lovelizm ♥ Second Collection has recently replaced Me Her Jyoshi 3 in Mid Valley which is perfect since I appreciate something different with my friends. In today's post I'm going to share the features of this Lovelizm's Purikura machine, so get ready for tons of photos!

Pre-Photography Session
 Before you go ahead with posing, you will need to choose your theme between colorful backgrounds or basic white backgrounds. We chose the colorful option.

Final collage option for colorful background are as below.

I looked up online and found the white one have pretty cool collages and effects like these!!! Gahhh, super wanna try this but not sure if my other friends want to...

Lovelizm offers a tons of patterned background in sets but you also can opt to customized your own for plain background. After that, you can opt to have your prints in 3x half body plus 2x full bodies OR all half bodies (maybe 5x to 6x frames). We chose the former for both our sessions. More variety on the prints and the full body shots are perfect to document your outfits!!

- Input name in hiragana or romaji. We opted for alphabets

*One bonus picture with choices between four super kawaii background!!

Photo Session

I noticed that while you still have less time to adjust your pose, the camera lags. In fact after a shot, it took about 3-5 seconds before the screen display your pics, so we took opportunity to quickly discuss our next pose. In the end, there are lots of cheek hugging poses hahaha

Lovelizm doesn't have an option to choose whether you want natural or model length legs such as the one in Oh ♥ My Girl III and the default made all the full body shots have our leg and skirt elongated. Even for eyes size at 'Recommended' got us hugeeee eyes!

Editing Session

Only at this point you can make selection of eyes' size and skin tone. I always choose 'Recommended' settings for skin tone because the prints come out nicer and not too blur (in lighter setting) or saturated (in darker setting). 

Lovelizm's unique stickers set includes rabbit & cat ears stamps, which are my first time seeing in Purikura machines, floral garlands, funny side up egg which is kinda wacky plus thick lips stickers.

I tried it on but they looked so odd on us, so I skipped those.

I used filter on this pic. Not sure if filter is Lovelizm's special feature but I don't remember seeing filter option for other purikuras.

OF COURSE, I need to give us red and gradient lippies!

I'm also seeing rainbow color messages but they're quite limited. This machine has better scribble function unlike it's predecessors' scattered pixels cause from uneven lines or lagging, so yayyy!

And the result _ amazing color! By the way, I made a mistake in choosing one of the layout for just two prints instead of three (the wider one) so I coaxed my friend into another session so we each have a copy to serve as commemoration for our first Purikura session together.

Some of the other printouts style you can choose from~~ and no, the size are smaller.

HOWEVER I do notice how the prints (for both 2x and 3x prints) are smaller than my previous ones WTF. I hope it's just something for Lovelizm's machine! Even my friend remarked how she can't see all the stamps and fonts we added to the pics... I hope Puripix do something about it.

my purikura stickers collection

1) Cat ears or lips stickers can be automatically added to the heads/faces provided your face if fully capture. Half-captured heads/faces don't work.

2) You can add contact lens! OMG! Again, this only works if your eyes are completely open. If you want to know how this turns out, check out my next post!

3) For multiple prints, you can opt for 2x2 vertical prints (this I chose 4x close up and 2x full body) OR 5x horizontal/vertical prints of seven photos (this I chose 5x close up photos).

4) Lovelizm machine doesn't have eye makeup options but automatically gives you pink eyeshadows and silver-ish glitter waterline.

Another odd observation with Lovelizm purikura machine is that it doesn't print out the bonus photo *freaks out* I may have missed it or not but I'm going to find out soon! Playing again with another bunch of friends yayyyyヾ(≧▽≦*)o

ps, playing Purikura for the first time can be intimidating (at least for me!) so if you're not sure, just make sure you listen to the instructions closely which can be impossible if you have friends who laugh in the interval (my crazy friends) or read the instructions on the screen. The latter is important to tell you which side you need to go to edit your photos!

Post CNY & Valentine's Day

Hello people~!

I know it’s been a month since I last blogged (>.< ) Been in festive mood and then not in festive mood because my holidays got cut short because I had to get back to KL to work. After that I’ve been on lazy mode because it has been my work peak season while on weekends I have been doing my social catch ups with my buddies plus shopping (I’ve been shopping like crazy!)

Anyway, I know it’s a tad too late but I do hope everyone had an amazing Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day!

Myself, CNY was awesome (before it was cut short because P1 Internet was not working at home. Brilliant!) and my family had our first CNY 8-Course meal! No, it is not our family culture for CNY bu this year we were expecting special guests. Dad was like, since you children are paying, we (mom) eat for free and laughed cheekily. Us siblings went harharhar. Purse was bleeding wth ( ≧∇≦ )

So here are photos of our 8-course meals (Missing the dessert tho).

celebrating 2017 Chinese New Year in Malaysia with yee sang

After tossing the yee sang~

celebrating 2017 Chinese New Year in Malaysia

celebrating 2017 Chinese New Year in Malaysia

celebrating 2017 Chinese New Year in Malaysia

celebrating 2017 Chinese New Year in Malaysia

celebrating 2017 Chinese New Year in Malaysia

celebrating 2017 Chinese New Year in Malaysia

celebrating 2017 Chinese New Year in Malaysia

After that we went around Penang Island to show out guests our favorite rendezvous.

Not a trip is complete without trying the Assam Laksa. A lot of shops were still close for CNY so we settled for the one in Balik Pulau.

Also ordered nutmeg juice, a specialty in Penang.

Freshly juiced, yo!

~ ~

On CNY eve, mom cooked a bunch of food like every other years. Ate all the yummy food before I got shipped back. It really was too bad I didn't get to stay long enough for steamboat (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)


and ginger longan tea which I'm so hooked!

On another day we went to Gurney Drive for tea time. Had a bunch of stuff including pasembor, Muar Chee, rojak, ikan bakar and two bottles of lychee with soy milk curd.

then temple visiting at night~

~ ~

As of now, I’m also occupied planning my 2017 Cuti Cuti Asia trip (That’s what happened when you’re the planner among your friends)!

When it comes to travel, this year I'm expecting a lot of firsts!! First time visiting Kuching, Bali, Bangkok and Australia. And of course, first time flying to so many places in a year! I’m thinking about learning basic Indonesian language which won’t be much issue, I hope, since it’s quite similar to Bahasa Malaysia then attend local cooking classes in Kuching and Bali and learn how to surf (those are the plans as of now) ! I find myself needing to get out there and learn new skills now that I stopped going to Japanese classes *sad*

Unfortunately, because of all this Cuti Cuti Asia plan, I had to postphone Japan trip _ AGAIN _ for many reasons. One already planning to visit countries around Asia and another having made a promise to meet up with my long time friend in Australia this year. On the bright, fun-est and best-est parts are I get to travel to meet my dear longtime friend and with BFF in my other Asian countries adventure!

Life is AWESOME!!!

In case you’re thinking why the fuck I can afford to go to this many places, am I filthy rich? I wish but not just yet, this time I’m going on a super tight budget with this many places on my list. Thankfully, the places I’m going are rather affordable and I managed to find an awesome flight promo! Comment below if you want me to tell y’all my secret to be able to travel to all these places!

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