
Saturday 28 March 2015

my new baby ;D

Yeap, I got myself a new camera~! (*°▽°*)♪

my new toy #casio #zr1200

I've been wanting to get myself one forever!

And, you know what? I got this camera online from Lazada!

Online shopping is sorta a no big deal for me considering I buy lotsa clothes online but buying a RM800++ camera online is definitely the first. Risky option too considering I don't have the option of testing the camera and I had to pay upfront, no COD (>Д< ) Initially I was very paranoid thinking what if the camera didn't arrive or what if it has defect and all. I asked my sibs and they assured me they and some of their friends had bought items costing hundred over ringgit from Lazada before and they didn't seem to have any issues whatsoever.

I went ahead and tried anyway, since the price of the model I want is lower than retail price. I doubled, tripled check _ actually I checked half a dozen times _ to make sure the seller I got from have good ratings before placing my order.

Thank goodness it arrived exactly 3 days and in good condition to boot!ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ So happyy~~

These are the items that came in my parcel.

my haul from Lazada Malaysia


casio #zr1100 a.k.a. #zr1200

#zr1200 camera

My only complain is that I didn't get a Wifi card. Apparently they'll provide you with one if you buy them in retail stores but that also means you have to pay the retail price which for this model will cost you RM1400++, I checked. And oh, the camera bag's quality is so-so too. But for the price I'm getting the entire set, I guess I'm not in the position to complain too much? LOL

I've been testing my camera now and then ever since I got it and so far so good! Loving quite a number of this camera features. Would love to share more about them but I guess I'll be leaving it for another blog post ☆~(≥vO)

Alrightyy, for now, good night!

Thursday 27 March 2014

my new hauls from Lazada Malaysia


Just a bit of rambling from my side and an intermission blog post before my next review post. Had to postpone it because the photos didn't turn out the way I expect them to be.. (T▽T) I'm still experimenting with the DSLR!

For that very reason too, I bought myself a new tripod and remote control.  Initially wanted to wait a little while longer before getting them but last weekend's disastrous photo shoot, I knew I needed them FAST! Snapping photos just with the support from my arm is sorta challenging because my arm are short and the DSLR's really heavy.. ( = A ="||)

Jyan~ what I got (besides the camera and lens are from my twinnie).

all my new toys~

Cheap tripod and remote control I bought online from Lazada Malaysia which I receive today and paid on C.O.D.(Cash on Delivery)_one cool point about shopping from the site. On the other hand, I don't get why they've just can't deliver them together! I had two deliveryman showing up at the door at different time today to deliver them WTH

And some more, I have yet to receive a underwater lomo camera which I ordered together with those two... *SIGH* Really hope it arrives tomorrow.

Still, will ganbatte taking photos and testing my new toys out this weekend yayy~!

Wednesday 5 March 2014

my new camera~


#DSLR #camera

Didn't buy it I'm too kiam siap (means stingy). Something from my twinnie in return I bribed him with face wash twice more expensive than mine and new clothes LOLOL

He also bought me the book because he knows I'm a DSLR noob ( =v=; ) Sorta true 'cuz I did freak out a little with all the new dials and everything. I haven't got much chance to try it yet with my Japanese class' exam coming up this Monday and I have yet to go through my notes...

Looking forward to the next weekend to take more photos for my blog facelift so expect a new profile pic than the current ugly one v(^o^ )v

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