Saturday 30 July 2016

Back from Taipei // Taipei & Southern Taiwan Itineraries Suggestions

My mind is still on holiday WTH. I've spent last weekend clearing things up and staring blankly into my Japanese notes... #truestory Also catching up with work, updating the fam/bff/friends and taking Japanese class test. So busy right after I just got back from Taipei wtf.

On the brighter side, we're back safe and sound! I'm SUPER GLAD we all did!

I was really worried about the recent Typhoon Nepartak (GANBATTE Taitung & China!!) that hit southern Taipei just a week before our departure! Because of that we changed plans many time, deciding between Sapporo or to travel locally or Taipei.. I had to rearrange the itinerary again and again because most of us have gotten our long leaves from work and it would be a waste not to utilize them. And then there is the recent bombing in Taipei MRT that injured several people added to my worries.  In the end, we decided to move forward, me redoing the itinerary only to covering Taipei area for fear of being stranded, our safety and a dozen of other things. I warned my friends to be super alert even in Taipei. You bet I was a worrywart the entire planning period. How could I not?? (T_______T) It was a super stressful week nevermind I still have work and studies on my mind. I did blew up after that, more on that LOL.

This is my second time overseas (aha) and my first with the group of friends. It was definitely wayyy different than solo. Like duh but heyy, like I said, it was my first time ok.

And you know there's a saying that goes something like, "Travel brings out the best and worst of people". Yeap, that happened. I guess my friends now know I'm impatient and emotional when it comes to certain stuff. And the next, I'll be so uncaring and carefree when I'm too tired HAHAHAHA. Story later. I too, know their bright sides and the hidden ones LOL. Mostly how they react when they're tired HAHAHAHA. Or that they can't stop talking about dirty stuff which annoyed me cause I got bored of repetitive talks on the similar topic (=______=) I earned the nickname, "The Sensible One" from that.


Sharing with you guys the itinerary I came up with. Bracket ones are the places that we didn't make it to as we took our sweet time to explore LOL. I will be blogging about my adventures (after I've sorted out my work and studies) and will linking them here laterwards with my blog p.

Taipei Itinerary

Day 4: Jiufen ⇒ Shifen ⇒ (Attractions along the Pingxi Line) ⇒ Miaokou Night Market
Part 2

After this trip, I find myself falling in love with Taiwan! In many ways they reminded me of Japan a lot! The places are just so beautiful, clean and they even have onsen (hot springs)!

Despite spending 8 days being in Taipei alone, I felt that there just wasn't enough time to explore! I think we missed quite a number of places other than the ones mentioned such as Shung Ye Museum of Formosan Aboriginals, Taiwan Folk Arts Museum, Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall, old streets & attractions along the Pingxi line, Yehliu GeoPark and Yingge.

I never thought I'll ever find myself so interested in museums but I got brainwashed after our visit to National Palace Museum. And Taipei alone offers so many museum-visiting opportunities.

Oh, before I forget.... I think the best time to go to Taiwan is spring/autumn if not early summer. Especially if you don't like the heat. It is blazing hot, hotter than Malaysia. You can feel the heat in the morning and it can get super bright throughout the day I was squinting most of the time. So yes, get your sunglasses ready. I got tanned despite putting on SPF 50++ sunblock and my palm is peeling, look at these!


Due to the change of plans, we had to cancel our appointment with a taxi driver whom I found via TripAdvisor and several blogs' recommendation. It is truly unfortunate our trip southern Taiwan didn't work out... Should you be looking for a taxi driver to chauffeur you around Taichung, do give her a call. She speaks Chinese only, me thinks. She's an experienced driver so I heard, thus she should be able to show you around pretty well.

Lee Da Jie +886 932 518 438

If you're interested in my itinerary, here it is. I'm simply jotting it down for future use. You bet, I'm still going back to Taiwan!

Taichung/Sun Moon Lake Suggested Itinerary

Day 1: HSR from Taipei to Taichung Breakfast:Din Tai Fung/other XinFeng Fruit Farm Lavendar Cottage Carton King Check In Yizhong Shopping Street & Feng Jia Night Market

Day 2:  Breakfast Swiss Garden-Enroute Lunch:Urn Chicken (甕仔) Cingjing Farm & Green Green Grassland 18 Degree Chocolate Factory ⇒  Miyahara/Yi Fu Tang (一福堂老店) to get souvenirs

Day 3: Sun Moon Lake (Cycle around/Ferry to somewhere random)

Day 4: Sun Moon Lake ⇒ Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village

Day 4: Yilan (Suou Cold Spring, Hot Spring, Lanyang Museum, Meihua Lake, TaipingShan, Crayon Factory, Botanical Garden, Guishan/Turtle Island)

Day 5: Head all south to Kaoshiung!


That's all~! I hope you find this useful.

More posts on my Taiwan adventure to come!

Sunday 26 June 2016

Company trip to Lexis Hibiscus, Port Dickson

This post is about my last trip to Port Dickson. Happy Times Yayy~!

So in May, I was at Port Dickson because my company organized the annual dinner cum team building session in one of the most beautiful resort I've ever been. Not like there are many resorts I've been to LOL. But yes, it is such an amazing place I'm super impressed and surprised there is such a resort with cottages built on top of the water, arranged in the shape of Malaysia's national flower, the hibiscus and facing the Straits of Malacca. Yeah, the flower pattern part, super duper impressed. Even my friends agree with me LOL

This is the first pic I took of the resort. Check out the beautiful chalets!

OOTD shot in from of the lounge!

We were mostly occupied with activities that took up the entire day and I was in charged with  decorations for the entrance of the annual dinner so I didn't get to explore much on that day. Oh, and I didn't even noticed I was at Port Dickson until lunch! I was looking out the hotel's cafe and wondering why is there a beach WTF. Turns out I'm facing the sea yo! #blockheadme

This was what  my colleagues and I were working on~

And then the annual dinner is at night so only after that I decided to hung out with my newfound friend who helped me in the decorations. We were at the lounge chatting, drinking Apple Mojito and deciding where we should go for vacay. Initial plan was to Australia but finally decided we'll be going to Taiwan together sometime next month! YAYYYYYY!

Bff's equally fun sis will be joining me, I'm so happy we can do this together! So I'm quite occupied trying to get our itinerary done and book our AirBnB asap. My goodness, few weeks to go. #Kancheong #wakuwaku

Our Mojitos~ We both love the alcohol and virgin versions!

After that, we head back to our respective rooms. My room wasn't in the chalet above the water, sadly... But I got an amazing view of the hibiscus and actually appreciated it a lot. I jumped into the small dipping pool twice, before the event and at 1AM! I call it a dipping pool because it's barely one lap.... According to my newfound friend and bedmate (we shared a king size bed LOL),  Lexis has another resort with huge pools in every room! So awesome! Oh, and the place we were at is caled Lexis Hibiscus, true to its name.

Here are how the place looks like from my room. Photos taken by my newfound friend LOL. She has awesome photography skills her Instagram is beautiful!

The dipping pool LOL

Then the day version. Equally breathtaking! That's the end of the stalk there (far right).

Next morning I was up and couldn't wait to go cycling. Most of my friends have chosen to take the early trip back so I was alone. But it was the best decision ever! I cycled past the pretty chalets and rode my way to the end of the hibiscus stalk.

(I want to show u guys the photos of me cycling but I don't know where I kept it OMG. Please let them be in my HD!)

Then stopped to check the view, it was an amazing feeling!

Kept cycling past a family and one of the kid was like, "Selalu cuti ke? (Do you have hols often?)" and I was "Taklah, hari ni (Nope, just today <--Wanted to say, only this time)".

He went, "Eh, boleh cakap Melayu. (Eh, she speaks Malay)". Of course lah. *proud*

I just don't speak my mother tongue FML.

And that's pretty much what I did. I really really wanna go back there just so I have more time to enjoy the resort. Bedmate, now a super good friend shared with me the Groupon ads which listed the night for RM700, plus minus... Like that, who wants to teman me there lah, so pricey!

One day, someday, I hope...

Nevertheless, would super recommend the place, there is 2 king size bed (super comfy pillows!) to share with your friends and family, a dipping pool (unless you go to the other Lexis resort then you'll get your private pool), sauna, awesome view of the straits, and fun time cycling. In case you get bored there's the lounge and karaoke. Ostrich farm nearby too LOL.

(ps, Vivi-grammar : add mate to just any possible noun. Coined the word "toiletmate" six years ago, yo!)

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