Sunday 1 May 2016

Nail Talk: Innisfree's ECO Top Coat & ECO Nail Color in #165 Review

Happy Sunday, people~!

I'm back again with another review of my recent favorite cosmetics and nail polish brand _ Innisfree. Today's review will be about their ECO Nail color in  #165 and the top coat.

I love Innisfree's nail polish a lot because of the colors, how easy it is to spread on my nails and they're affordable at RM10 per bottle. Though somehow, I find I'm not in the mood for pastels these days.. There is a nude brown which I've been looking for but whenever I visit the store, it ran out of stock? Kinda curious why I always seem to miss it...

Innisfree ECO Nail Color & Top Coat

My initial mission for dropping by Pavillion's branch to restock on my pearly nail polish which I'm in love and have been using so often from Christmas to CNY until it almost ran out. I said almost because it hasn't but I'm finding it difficult to 'grab' the liquid with the brush and it has turned gooey... Yeah, I need to find a fix for that else it'll be a waste of the remaining 1/3 of polish...

Since I was there, I thought I should try other colors and  I'm in love with this somewhat dark denim blue hue! I thought they looked pretty casual and could easily go together with my weekend look or work.

Innisfree ECO Nail Color in #165

These are other shots on how they looked like on my fingernails~Tadaaa~

Innisfree ECO Nail Color in #165

Innisfree ECO Nail Color

What do you think? My first success in attempting to add glitter flakes on one of my nails (*^ o ^*)

I would add glitter nail polish or other colors but I lent my sister my collection LOL. Somehow I always find coloring my nails in a single color odd. Is it just me? But I love it when my friends does that though theirs are gel nail polish... Not sure if that makes any difference or sense...

Intermission, let me share with y'all a funny story that happened just now. So I was folding my laundry when I noticed a flat object resembling my nails polish with glitter flakes and all had fell off. I freaked out because I thought that I broke my nail _and at the same time weird out 'cuz I didn't feel any pain_ so I frantically checked both my hands only to figure out it is the hardened top coat that fell off, to my relief. But that scared the shit outta me for a minute.

This, this thing here was what fell off...


Rule of thumb (hahaha), do not over apply top coat. Lesson learned alright...

The last polish I got is this Top Coat, simply because I didn't have mine with me and I am using it as both top and base coat hahaha #cheapskate Also, because I don't wanna stained my nails but my nails are still blue-y unfortunately. I know 'cuz I had to redo my nails last night because I'm too impatient to just sit and wait for my nails to be completely dry... *sigh*

Innisfree ECO Nail Top Coat

That's it for today, till my next post people. See ya!

Thursday 28 April 2016

Ciracle Anti-Blemish Toner Review


Today's review is about my awesome new toner hahaha. My Hada Labo lotion ran out and I was in the mood to experiment on new lotions so I bought this Ciracle Anti-Blemish Toner. I was actually considering SKII or Kose Sekkisei but finally decided on this.

Ciracle Anti-Blemish Cleanser

I always have troubled skin (oh, hormones!) and recently the stress pimples start popping out wth. One of the reason why I decide on this toner. Unfortunately, despite it being an anti-blemish pimples, it didn't do much for my skin... Toner 0: Hormones 1.

One obvious result from using this toner is that my skin doesn't feel too oily anymore. At times I feel it gets too dry though. For the first few months I couldn't help bu noticed the palm of my right hand (which i used to apply the toner) as well as the tip of my fingers feels really dry... Anyone else using this Ciracle toner notice this?

These days I decided to use square cotton puffs instead and sure enough, my hands were less dry.



Overall, this is truly a recommendable product if you have oily-combination skin but don't forget to slap on lotsa moisturizer (and hand cream!) as this can be really drying to the skin. Definitely in one of the best toner for oily/combination skin I've ever tried.

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