Thursday 26 November 2015

The Body Talk: Naturals by Watsons' Olive Shower Cream & Marula OilBody Lotion Review

In my previous post, I shared with you my recent body care products, the Naturals by Watsons' Olive Cream Bath and Marula Oil Body Lotion but didn't get to tell you in detail just how AWESOME these products are. So walah, dedicating this blog post specially for them today (^o^)v

Before I knew how amazing these products were, what tempted me to get them was the fact that they're certified organic (yayyy!) and the packaging! It's simple but pretty, in a classy way.

In case you're wondering why I didn't get the cream bath and body lotion from same range, it's because I was lost for choices and I am so impatient to try them all!! Though the three ranges I'm particularly interested in trying are the Marula Oil, Olive and Argan Oil range. Mostly because of their function in protecting & repairing the skin and also the scents are lovely.

Naturals by Watsons 1mm Naturals by Watsons 1mm Naturals by Watsons 1mm

Getting back to the design of the bottle, only after using it for a while I noticed that simply by twisting the pump clockwise, you can lock the pump!

Meaning no worries about accidentally pumping the content out say when you bring it along during travel/vacation (Hey, family size travel toiletries) or simply preventing younger children from messing around with it. While it may not be necessary or useful most of the time but it may come in handy.

I have noticed TWO improvements in the condition of my skin since I started using them.

The first is how the soles of my feet, especially my heels are so much softer now! I had really bad cracked, rough heels from bad footwear and all the walking I have to do. Initially I wanted to get rid of them by using a 'foot mask' which works by peeling off the hardened/rough skin of your soles. Recently they're tones of Japanese/Korean brands that carry this product and the mask isn't cheap with price ranging from RM20-RM50 per pack. But no, I really don't see a point in getting the foot mask now. Crediting the Olive Cream Bath for the awesome moisturizing effect!

Secondly, I notice my skin's more evenly toned and taut. Especially on my arms, there are less flabbiness yayyy~!! Two weeks ago, my friend commented how I seemed to have slimmed down a bit and I really think I've got the lotion to thank. FYI, I am neither dieting nor exercising (no time to do that!).

It may lie in one of the key ingredients in the lotion, which is the Mafura Butter that is said to "softens and improves skin elasticity". Another contributing factor is the lotion does take a bit of massaging, which I usually do so in circular motion, to be absorbed which possibly contributed to tightening of the skin.

My verdict? You bet I'm loving them! I bought them both for less than RM20 during sale (Normal price is RM19.90 for the cream bath and RM24.90 for the body lotion), so IMO for something that works well, they're SUPER WORTH IT!! Proves that you don’t need to burn a hole in your wallet to get quality stuff.

Do give any of the Naturals by Watson range a try and tell me if they work for you too~!

Tuesday 17 November 2015

November OOTDs

Just noticed my last OOTDs post was 3 months ago! Things have been hectic here so I wasn't in the mood to snap photos (I'm obviously not a selfie person LOL). While I still go shopping, there are clothes I didn't have the time to alter.. #shortpeopleproblem

Anyway, here are some of my usual looks~

#1 Mango Boho top, belt from Forever 21, Boho clutch with tassel from Bershka, necklace, belt and my old pair of denim shorts

This was taken few months ago when I just cut my hair. I left it to the hairdresser and she cut them too short I wanted to cry (T__T)


That aside, I have many things I love in this coordinate. Firstly, I SUPER LOVE the designs of the top!! When I first saw it displayed on the mannequin at Mango, I knew I had to get it! Though I hesitated because it was pricey but luckily I found the last piece of my size on sale in another Mango branch.

Also, the accessories I wore here are some of my favorites too! Loving the boho-ish clutch and earrings! The earrings are not visible, so here's a close up~


#2 Padini lace-details top, Seed by Padini denim jeans and lace choker

To add more mix and match options to my wardrobe, I purchased a pair of jeans, my first in years! Truthfully, jeans aren't really my thing because I find it restricts movement (even so, I wasn't a fan of the skinny/legging jeans which are more stretchy..) and I feel I sweat a lot in jeans wth.

Anyway yeah, I have a change of heart though I still got something stretchy so it's feels more comfy.


#3 Final OOTD shot for this post is this monochrome dress from an online boutique and Taobao belt (old)

Loving the prints though I find the dress is not well made and I think it makes me look fat... (>Д<) LOL


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